How Will I Be Notified About My Delivery?

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As soon as your delivery date is confirmed, our Despatch team will update you on the status of your order. Here's how you will be notified: 

Notification via Text Message

You will receive a text message from our Despatch team two days prior to your scheduled delivery. This message will include a 3-hour delivery window, allowing you to plan your day accordingly. 

Real-Time Delivery Tracking

You will receive a text message with a link to track your driver. This will let you see where your delivery is in real-time, so you can be ready when it arrives.

Flexible Delivery Rescheduling

If you need to change your delivery date, you can easily choose a new date (subject to availability) or confirm your upcoming delivery through our King Living Customer Portal at

Delivery Enquiries 

If you have any enquiries regarding your delivery, please contact our Despatch Team or send a general enquiry here








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