How Can I Locate My Customer Order Number?

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When you make a purchase, whether online or in-store, you will be provided with an order number. This unique identifier is crucial for tracking your order, making an enquiry, processing returns, or even reordering the same item in the future.

Here’s how to find your customer order number:

1. Look at Your Purchase Receipt

The easiest way to find your order number is on your purchase receipt, which you receive in-store or via email for online orders. The receipt shows the purchase date, items, prices, and your order number. Keep it safe for future reference.

In the event you have lost your receipt, there are a few other methods to find your order number.

2. Find the Legacy Tag 

The King Living 'Legacy Tag' is found on your sofa or chair. To locate it, unzip a back cushion and check inside the zipper for the tag with your order number. View article 'Understanding and Locating Your Legacy Tag' here 

3. Check at the bottom 

The order number can also reside at the bottom of the furniture item. Look for a piece of velcro in the centre. Upon undoing it, you'll uncover the tag with your order number. This method comes in handy if the Legacy Tag in the cushion is missing or difficult to access.

4. Check Your Email Inbox

If you purchased online, check your Email Inbox for a confirmation email. Ensure you check your spam or junk folders if you can't locate the email in your inbox.

5. Log into Your Account 

If you bought the item online and have an account, log in to check your 'Order History' for past orders and their order numbers.

6. Reach Out to Customer Service Team

Submit an enquiry here and our team will come back to you. 



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